William Liu

Statistical Analysis

Table of Contents


When I was younger, I wish someone told me to learn calculus if I wanted to be a rocket scientist, otherwise go learn statistics. Even with that advice, I found it difficult to learn statistics because there seems to be a lot of different naming conventions. Here is my take on the first principles of statistics where we try to break down statistical analysis into its smallest pieces; the idea is that we want to find useful patterns for learning statistics. Statistics is simply outcome = model + error

Statistics High Level Overview

I think data analysis can be broken down into three key parts. This is a very high level overview so it is probably oversimplifying a lot of complex topics, but should give you a sense of what data is.

  1. How are we using the data? Do we want to describe or make inferences about the dataset?
    • If we want to just describe the dataset, we look at things like the mean, median, etc. We want to be careful to make sure that our measurements are good in the sense that they are reliable and valid, etc.
    • If we want to make some type of inference, we have additional criteria to consider and can look at it a few different ways.
      • What are we interested in checking, correlation or causality (cause and effect)? Correlation does not directly infer whereas Causality says a variable effects another.
      • How are we measuring? Are we looking at independent measures (aka cross-sectional study, a single point in time snapshot) or repeated measures (aka longitudinal study, measure variables at different points in time).
      • There’s additional considerations like if we have an adequate sample size, what should we consider statistically significant (p-value), one-tailed or two-tailed test, etc.
  2. What are the data types? Are the variables categorical (dichotomous, nominal, ordinal) or continuous?
    • If the variables are continuous, we can use parametric tests (that assume a normal distribution) and if the variables are categorical, we use non-parametric tests, which make less assumptions
  3. Number of independent variables and dependent variables
    • The number of variables affect the test we can use. I made a quick guide below with some examples.

How are we using the data?

Descriptive Statistics describes the dataset and is pretty straightforward. For example, what is the mode, median, mean? For more details, look up the Stats Primer post.

Inferential Statistics predicts values of an outcome variable based on some kind of model. This usually means we are looking to see if the independent variable(s) cause some kind of change in the dependent variable(s) or if there is a strong relationship between a set of variables. All inferential statistics can be described with:

outcome = model + error

Personal Note: A lot of data analyst jobs out there are just making graphs of descriptive statistics. It’s a great intro to data and is useful, but being able to make inferences from the dataset is a natural (and more difficult) next step.

What are the data types?

Data can be broken down into different levels of measurement that help determine what statistical tests we can do. Ideally we want more specific (continuous) instead of braoder (categorical-binary). Here they are from weakest to strongest in terms of statistical power (so you can find the right effect).

Number of Independent and Dependent Variables

See chart below on what statistical test to use based on the number (and type) of variables we have.

Model Cheat Sheet

We simply switch out the model, which is made up of variables and parameters. Like all cheat sheets, this is a large oversimplification of statistics, but could be useful as a high level starting point.

test_name_aka about_model_description example_use_of_the_model dist #dep type_dep #ind type_ind pop the_really_long_notes_section
one sample t-test and one sample z-test Compare one group to a ‘known truth’ looking at their means; <30 sample is t-test, >30 sample is z-test Does the average NY student spend more time studying than the national average of 2hrs/day P 1 continuous 0 N/A 1 ind Calculations based on Central Limit Theorem
one sample sign (aka one sample median) and one sample Wilcoxon Compare one group to a ‘known truth’ looking at their medians; use one sample sign for unknown or asymmetric distribution, use one sample Wilcoxon for symmetric distribution We want to know the median time it takes for a new user to add a friend to their buddy list. We want to know if the median time for a newly developed drug to relieve pain is 12 minutes. NP 1 categorical (ordinal) or continuous 0 N/A 1 ind  
one sample test of proportions (binomial sign test and Chi-square goodness-of-fit) Compare one group to a ‘known truth’ looking at their proportions;use binomial sign test if categories are dichotomous, use Chi-square for more than 2 categories A company prints out baseball cards claiming 30% are rookies, 60% are veterans, 10% all-stars. We gather a random sample and use Chi-square goodness of fit to see if our sample distribution is statistically greater than what the company claimed NP 1 categorical 0 N/A 1 ind Population should be at least 10 times as large as the samples; this method is good for really large samples, but not suited for small samples (go get more samples if necessary)
unpaired t-test (aka two independent samples t-test, Student’s t-test, Welch’s t-test) and unpaired z-test (aka two independent samples z-test) Compare two continuous variables by looking at their means using unpaired t-test (n<30 or unknown standard deviation) and unpaired z-test (n>30). Student’s t-test for equal variances, Welch’s t-test for unequal variances We want to know if two categorical groups (say women and men) have different average heights P 1 continuous 1 categorical (only dichotomous) 2 ind Do not do multiple t-tests because of familywise (aka experimentwise error rate)
Wilcoxon Rank-Sum (aka Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney, Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon two sample) Compares two categoricals (looking at their medians) using the independent measures design. Note: For repeated-measures design, use Wilcoxon signed rank test. We want to know the differences in depression levels between two groups of people (one takes alcohol, other ecstasy). We want to decide at a .05 significance level if the gas mileage data of manual and automatic cars have identical distributions. NP 1 categorical (ordinal) or continuous 1 categorical (only dichotomous) 2 ind  
Chi square test of homogeneity (aka Chi-square test) and Fisher’s exact test Compare two categoricals (looking at their proportions). Create crosstab and if each cell has a minimum frequency of 5 use Chi-square test of homogeneity. If a cell does not have the minimum frequency of 5, use Fisher’s exact test. We want to know if there is a relationship between a person’s gender (Male, Female) and the type of school (Public, Private). Is there any statistically significant relationship between school attended and gender? NP 1 categorical 1 categorical (only dichotomous) 2 ind  
One-way Independent ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) Compares several groups (three or more) by looking at their means using independent measures. ANOVA is an omnibus test, meaning it tests for an overall effect between all groups. Check homogeneity of variance (i.e. variances of groups should be equal) with Levene’s test. We want to see if costumes of flying superheroes (Superman, Spiderman) injure themselves (scale 0 to 100) more than non-flying superheroes (Hulk, Ninja Turtles). Does the mean score differ significantly among the levels of each group/superhero? P 1 continuous 1 categorical 3+ ind Test statistic is the F-ratio (aka F-statistic, F-test) and tells us if the means of the 3+ groups are different (as a whole). Do planned contrasts or post-hoc comparisons to determine which specific group is different
Kruskal Wallis One-way ANOVA (aka Kruskal Wallis) Compares several groups (three or more) by looking at their medians. Idea is to rank all data from all groups together (ordering scores from lowest to highest), assign tied ranks the average of the ranks had they not been tied. Once ranked, collect the scores back into their groups and add up ranks for each group. We want to see if coca cola affects sperm count. We have four groups (no soda, 1 soda, 4 sodas, 7 sodas a day) and check sperm count every day. NP 1 categorical (ordinal) or continuous 1 categorical 3+ ind Visualize with boxplot. Use Jonckheere-Terpstra test if you think there is some type of trend between the group’s medians.
Chi square test of homogeneity (aka Chi-square test) and Fisher’s exact test Compare two categoricals (looking at their proportions). Create crosstab and if each cell has a minimum frequency of 5 use Chi-square test of homogeneity. If a cell does not have the minimum frequency of 5, use Fisher’s exact test. Compare relationship between a person’s gender (Male, Female) and the tv shows they prefer (Simpsons, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones). Do men have a significantly different preference for tv shows than women? NP 1 categorical 1 categorical 3+ ind Contingency Table (aka Cross Tab) shows Populations * Category Levels
paired t-test (aka two dependent samples t-test, paired two sample t-test, dependent t-test for paired samples, paired two samples t-test, repeated-measures t-test) Checks for statistically significant difference by looking at the means of two dependent samples using repeated-measures. We want to know if a test preparation course helps students with their test scores. We do a before-course exam and an after-course exam, then compare to see if there was any significant difference. P 1 categorical (ordinal) or continuous 1 continuous 2 dep Note: There’s two types of t-test, unpaired (aka independent samples) that compares between-groups (unrelated groups). This is paired (aka dependent samples) t-test, compares repeated-measures (i.e. before and after, same group)
Wilcoxon signed Rank Test Checks if statistically significant difference by looking at median differences using repeated-measures. We rank all items from lowest to highest score, then do analysis on the rank itself instead of the actual data. Once ranked, collect the scores back into their groups and add up ranks for each group. We survey people about an area before gentrification and after. Responses were on a categorical from (really love it to really hate it). We add up the positive and negative responses. We compare to see if there is any significant difference NP 1 categorical (ordinal) or continuous 1 categorical (ordinal) or continuous 2 dep Similar to paired t-test but non-parametric version so we assume difference is ordinal. Main thing is there’s a sign (positive or negative) assigned to the rank. If sample size too small, use Fisher’s exact test, likelihood ratio, or Yate’s continuity correction to avoid Type I errors.
McNemar’s test (aka McNemar’s Z-test) Checks if statistically significant difference by looking at the proportion using repeated-measures. We want to see if a drug has an effect on a particular disease. Counts of individuals are given with the diagnosis between treatment (present or absent) in the rows and diagnosis after treatment (present or absent) in the columns. NP 1 categorical (dichotomous) 1 categorical (dichotomous) 2 dep We’re testing difference between paired proportions; is there a significant difference before-after? We want the marginal frequencies (i.e. proportion) of two binary outcomes. To plot, use a 2*2 contingency table
One-way Repeated-Measures ANOVA (analysis of variance) Check if statistically significant differences between several groups (three or more) by looking at their means with repeated-measures. We want to see if there is a difference in alcohol consumption (our dependent variable) after rehab (e.g. with three measurement points: immediately before, 1 month after, 6 months after; ‘time’ is our independent variable). P 1 continuous 1 categorical 3+ dep Our values are likely related because they’re from the same population (due to repeated-measures design) so we can’t use F-ratio because it lacks accuracy and instead we use the assumption of sphericity (aka circularity), which is an assumption about the structure of the covariance matrix (i.e. checks if variances of the differences between conditions are about equal)
Friedman’s test (aka Friedman’s two-way ANOVA for ranks) Check if statistically significant differences between several groups (three or more) looking at their medians with repeated-measures. Theory is we rank all items from lowest to highest score, then do analysis on the rank itself (ordinal) instead of the actual data. Once ranked, collect the scores back into their groups and add up ranks for each group. We survey multiple subjects (say 20 people) about three soft drinks (Pepsi, Coke, 7-up) and they rate on a scale of 1-10 on taste of each drink (given in random order) using the same participants. Is there a significant difference in taste? NP 1 categorical (ordinal) or continuous 1 categorical 3+ dep Visualize with a boxplot. Use the Jonckheere-Terpstra test when you hypothesize that there’s some type of trend between the group’s medians. Group sizes should be about equal.
Wald Chi-Square Test and Repeated Measures Logistic Regression (aka Wald log-linear chi-square test) Check if statistically significant difference between two categoricals by looking at their proportions using repeated measures in a two-way table. Wald chi-square is the difference between observed and expected weight cell frequencies (e.g. probability of becoming pregnant divided by probability of not becoming pregnant). Wald log-linear chi-square test is based on the log odds ratios (e.g. odds of becoming pregnant when condom is used, odds of becoming pregnant when condom not used, then calculate the proportionate change in odds between the two) We do multiple tests (did person have a high pulse) on multiple subjects (say 30 people) that are assigned to different diets (meat, no meat) and different exercises (biking, swimming, tap dancing). Predict the probability of getting a high pulse with meat diet. NP 1 categorical 1 categorical 2 dep We can’t have complete separation, which is where the outcome variable can be perfectly predicted by one variable or a combination of variables; this causes issues in that there’s no data in the middle (where we’re not very sure of probability); to fix this, collect more data or use a simpler model (less features).
Factorial ANOVA (aka 2+ way independent Factorial ANOVA, independent Factorial ANOVA) Compares the differences between groups with two or more independent variables using independent measures. Note that when effects of 2+ variables are considered together, this is a factor. The calculation for SSm (variance explained by the experiment) is calculated as SSa (variance of A), SSb (variance of B), SSa*b (interaction effect, variance of interaction of A and B). Hypothesis is that after alcohol is consumed (1st independent variable), subjective perceptions of attractiveness are more inaccurate. We’re also interested if effect is different for men and women (2nd independent variable) P 1 continuous 2+ categorical 2+ ind Levene’s test to check for significant differences between group variances (homogeneity of variance). Simple effects analysis to look at interaction effects. interaction graphs help interpret and visualize significant interaction effects.
Ordinal Logistic Regression (aka ordered logit, Ordered Logistic Regression, Multinomial Logistic Regression) Compares several groups (with the dependent variable as an ordinal categorical and at least two independent categoricals) by looking at their medians using independent measures. Predict categorical (ordinal) dependent variable using independent variables with calculations using log-likelihood, which sums the probabilities associated with the predicted and actual outcomes (i.e. how much left unexplained after the entire model has been fitted). Predict if ‘tax is too high’ (this is your ordinal dependent variable measured on a 4 point Likert item from ‘Strong Disagree’ to ‘Strongly Agree’) based on two independent variables (Age, Income). Can also determine whether a number of independent variables (Age, Gender, Level of Physical Activity) predict the ordinal dependent variable of obesity (values of normal, overweight, obese) NP 1 categorical (ordinal) or continuous 2+ categorical 2+ ind For partial fit, use maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE) or deviance (aka -2LL) because it has a chi-square distribution. Check for multicollinearity (ind variables are too highly correlated), __tolerance statistic and VIF statistics. Also can’t have complete separation. Can penalize models for having more variables using Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) or Bayes Information Criterion (BIC)
Factorial Logistic Regression Compares several groups where there are two or more categorical independent variables with a dichotomous dependent variable using independent measures. We’re interested in the relationship between the independent variables of school type (tier1, tier2, tier3), program (art, science, history) and the dependent variable (gender). Can we determine probabilities of independent variables affecting the dependent? NP 1 categorical (dichotomous) 2+ categorical 2+ ind Check for multicollinearity (where independent variables are too highly correlated), tolerance statistic, VIF statistics. Also can’t have complete separation (outcome is perfectly predicted by independent variables) since we need data in the middle / not 100% of the probability.
Correlation Compares the relationship between two or more continuous variables using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. coefficient of correlation is r^2; the higher the value the better the fit. We want to see if there’s any relationship between the ‘number of ice cream getting sold’ (continuous variable) and the temperature (continuous variable) P 1 continuous 1 continuous 1 ind A negative correlation means there is an inverse relationship (when one decreases, the other increases). A positive correlation means relationship is directly related (when one increases, the other also increases). r ranges from 0 (no effect) to 1 (perfect effect). r=.1 means small effect, r=.3 means medium effect, r=.5 means large effect. Note that r=.6 does not mean it is twice the effect of r=.3
Simple Linear Regression Looks at linear relationship between a continuous dependent variable and a continuous dependent variable using independent measure. Mathmatical concept is model sum of squares where we fit a line that minimizes error; simple linear regression the line is straight, in multiple linear regression the line is more complex. Measure with Pearson’s correlation coefficient and coefficient of correlation is r^2. How much does advertisting cost (continuous independent variable) affect album sales (continuous dependent variable)? P 1 continuous 1 continuous 1 ind If we graph the standardized residuals against the predicted values, it should look like a random array of dots. If we get a ‘funnel’ type shape, it means violation of homogeneity of variance (which means we cannot generalize findings beyond this sample); can try correcting (with resisuals try transforming data, with violation of linearity assumption try logistic regression, otherwise try robust regression with bootstrapping). Order of putting in predictor variables matter, recommend using backward direction to prevent suppressor effects or checking all-subsets with Mallow’s Cp if you want to increase accuracy at cost of exponentially more calculations. Cross-validate with train/test at random 80/20 split.
Non-Parametric Correlation using Spearman’s rho (aka Spearman’s Rank-Order correlation) and Kendall’s Tau coefficient Compares the relationship between one or more categorical (ordinal) variables using correlation, which means Spearman’s rho or Kendall’s Tau coefficient. Idea is that values are converted to ranks and then the ranks are correlated. We want to see if there’s any relationship between when people finish a race (first place, second place, third place - the categorical ordinal) and their time spent training (1 month, 2 months, 3 months - continuous variable) NP 1 at least one categorical (nominal) in dep or ind 1 at least one categorical (nominal) in dep or ind 1 ind r can be Spearman’s rho (non-parametric data and at least ordinal data for both variables), Kendall’s tau (non-parametric data, but use when small number of samples and there’s a lot of tied ranks; e.g. lots of ‘liked’ in ordinal ranks of ‘dislike’, ‘neutral’, ‘like’). Correlation is not causation. Confounding variables (aka teritum quid) are extraneous factors (e.g. there’s a correlation between breast implants and suicide; breast implants don’t cause suicide, but a third factor like low self-esteem might cause both).
Simple Logistic Regression (aka Binary Logistic Regression) Test that assumes the dependent variable is dichotomous using independent measures. Predict the likelihood that a tumor is cancerous or benign (dichotomous dependent variable) NP 1 categorical (dichotomous) 1 continuous 1 ind We assess the model with log-likelihood, the smaller value the better the fit. This basically sums the probabilities associated with the predicted and actual outcomes (i.e. how much unexplained there is after the entire model has been fitted); larger values mean poorer fit. For a partial fit, use maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE) or deviance (aka -2LL) because it has a chi-square distribution.
Multiple Linear Regression Looks at the linear relationship between two or more independent continuous variables and its effect on a continuous dependent variable using independent measures. How much does advertising cost (first independent continuous variable) and airtime on radio (second independent continuous variable) affect album sales (continuous dependent variable)? P 1 continuous 2+ continuous 2+ ind We calculate Pearson’s correlation and coefficient of correlation (r^2). This is similar to a Simple Linear Regression, except in a Multiple Linear Regression we have more than one independent variable. The mathmatical concept is still the same, we use model sum of squares where we try to fit a line that minimizes error. Here the line is more complex than a straight line.
Analysis of Covariance Looks at the linear relationship between independent variables (where there’s both continuous and categorical) and a dependent continuous variable by comparing several means. We have viagra doses (placebo, low, high dose as categoricals) and we measure a participant’s libido (continuous dependent variable) with the partner’s libido (independent continuous variable as the covariate) P 1 continuous 2+ at least 1 continuous and/or at least 1 categorical 2+ ind Partial eta squared (aka partial n^2) is an effect size measure for ANCOVA; this is like eta squared (n^2) in ANOVA or r^2. ANCOVA is like ANOVA except you include covariates, which are one or more continuous variables that are not part of the main experimental manipulation, but have an influence on the dependent variable. You add these to 1.) reduce within-group error variance and 2.) elimination of confounds (those variables other than the experimental manipulation that affect the dependent variable)
Multiple Logistic Regression Test that assumes one categorical (nominal) dependent variable and two or more continuous independent variables using independent measures. High school graduates make career choices (nothing, work, college as the dependent variable) and we model this off of their social economic status (low, middle, high income as their first independent variable) and their SAT scores (as their second independent variable). NP 1 continuous 2+ at least 1 continuous and/or at least 1 categorical 2+ ind We’re interested in the effect that the independent variables have on the probability of obtaining a particular value of the dependent variable

SciPy Stats

In Python, there’s an open-source library called SciPy that handles a lot of standard mathematics, science, and engineering calculations. There’s many subpackages, including linear algebra (scipy.linalg), spatial data structures and algorithms to compute triangulations and Voronoi diagrams (scipy.spatial), but for this article we want to look at the statistics side (scipy.stats). FYI there are other libraries like statsmodel that do this and more.

Example: One Sample T-Test


We want to compare a sample mean to a known population mean of the average American height (177cm). Does this data represent the population mean?


    Assume statistical significance level (alpha) = .05
    Assume Two tailed
    Degrees of Freedom (dof) = For a simple t-test: number of samples - 1

    If we look up degrees of freedom, say for 29 samples, assume a statistical
    significance .05, two-tailed test, we look up a 'critical value' table
    and get a critical value of 2.045; this means if we get a t-statistic of
    less than -2.045 or greater than 2.045, we reject the null hypothesis

from scipy import stats
import numpy as np

data_a = [177, 177, 178, 179, 172, 173, 178, 177, 174, 175, 178, 179,
             178, 179, 178, 177, 173, 177, 175]
data_b = [180, 198, 200, 178, 199, 210, 270, 210, 430, 240, 260,
             180, 190, 188, 300, 210]

print "Running Data A; we accept the null hypothesis" \
      "(i.e. no relationship/difference between measured groups)"
print "Data A has a mean of:", np.mean(data_a)  # avg height: 176.526
dof = len(data_a)-1  # for a t-test, degrees of freedom = number samples-1
print "Data A has a length of:", len(data_a), " and " \
    " degrees of freedom:", len(data_a)-1
result = stats.ttest_1samp(data_a, 177)
print "t-statistic is {} and p-value is {}".format(result[0], result[1])
# t-statistic is -0.940589569294 and p-value is 0.359367763116
critical_value = stats.t.isf(0.05/2, dof)  # critical value for two sided test
print "critical value is:", critical_value  # 2.100

print "\nRunning Data B; we reject the null hypothesis" \
      "(i.e. there is a relationship/difference between measured groups)"
print "Data B has a mean of:", np.mean(data_b)  # avg height: 227.687
dof = len(data_b)-1  # for a t-test, degrees of freedom = number samples-1
print "Data B has a length of:", len(data_b), " and " \
    " degrees of freedom:", len(data_b)-1
result = stats.ttest_1samp(data_b, 177)
print "t-statistic is {} and p-value is {}".format(result[0], result[1])
# t-statistic is 3.13929630004 and p-value is 0.00675255864071
critical_value = stats.t.isf(0.05/2, dof)  # critical value for two sided test
print "critical value is:", critical_value  # 2.131

Explaination of Results

We did a t-test for the mean of ONE group of scores. We created two examples, one dataset that accepts the null hypothesis and the other that rejects the null hypothesis. As a quick overview:

Example 1 - Similar Data

In data_a we had an average height of 176.526. Just by eyeballing, our data_a is near the mean of 177 that we passed in. For a t-test, we calculate the degrees of freedom as the number of samples-1, which comes out to be 19-1=18. We get a t-statistic that is -0.940 and a two tailed p-value of 0.359. We calculate the critical value to be 2.100. We compare the t-statistic with the critical value and find that the t-statistic value (-0.940) is within the critical value ranges (of -2.1 to 2.1) so we have to accept the null hypothesis (i.e. there is no relationship/difference between these two sets of numbers). With a p-value of .359, this is another indicator that we must reject the null hypothesis since it is greater than our signifiance level of .05.

Example 2 - Different Data

In data_b we had an average height of 227.687. Just by eyeballing, our data_b is not near the mean of 177 that we passed in. For a t-test, we calculate the degrees of freedom as the number of samples-1, which comes out to be 16-1=15. We get a t-statistic that is 3.139 and a two tailed p-value of 0.006. We calculate the critical value to be 2.131. We compare the t-statistic with the critical value and find that the t-statistic value (3.139) is within the critical value ranges (of -2.131 to 2.131) so we reject the null hypothesis (not necessarily have to accept the alternative hypothesis). With a p-value of .006, we can then accept the alternative hypothesis since it is less than our signifiance level of .05 (i.e. there is a relationship/difference between these two sets of numbers).

Example: Fisher’s Exact Test


import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as stats

if __name__ == '__main__':

    raw_data = {'gender': ['Male', 'Female', 'Male', 'Male', 'Female', 'Male',
                           'Female', 'Male', 'Male', 'Female', 'Female',
                           'Female', 'Female', 'Female', 'Male', 'Female',
                           'Male', 'Female', 'Male', 'Male', 'Female',
                           'Female', 'Female', 'Male', 'Male'],
                'diet': ['Yes', 'No', 'No', 'Yes', 'No', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'No',
                         'Yes', 'No', 'No', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'No', 'No', 'Yes',
                         'No', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'No', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes',
                         'No', 'No']}
    df = pd.DataFrame(raw_data, columns=['gender', 'diet'])
    print df
    #     gender diet
    # 0     Male  Yes
    # 1   Female   No
    # 2     Male   No
    # 3     Male  Yes
    # 4   Female   No
    # 5     Male  Yes
    # 6   Female  Yes
    # 7     Male   No
    # 8     Male  Yes
    # 9   Female   No
    # 10  Female   No
    # 11  Female  Yes
    # 12  Female  Yes
    # 13  Female   No
    # 14    Male   No
    # 15  Female  Yes
    # 16    Male   No
    # 17  Female  Yes
    # 18    Male  Yes
    # 19    Male   No
    # 20  Female  Yes
    # 21  Female  Yes
    # 22  Female  Yes
    # 23    Male   No
    # 24    Male   No
    # See crosstab of counts
    a = df['gender']
    b = df['diet']
    ct = pd.crosstab(index=a, columns=b)
    ct = ct[['Yes', 'No']]  # Reorder columns
    print ct
    # diet    Yes  No
    # gender
    # Female    8   5
    # Male      5   7
    row_1 = list(ct.ix['Female'])
    row_2 = list(ct.ix['Male'])
    fvalue, pvalue = stats.fisher_exact([row_1, row_2])
    print "fvalue is {f}, pvalue is {p}".format(f=fvalue, p=pvalue)
    # fvalue is 2.24, pvalue is 0.433752668115

Statistician’s Tools

With a computer, we can do a lot of computations that can help verify our math (or save us from doing a lot of math). We can:

Simulation with Coin Tosses

Say you toss a coin 30 times and see 22 heads. Is it a fair coin? Using a probabilistic model (i.e. we know it will be 50/50 chance for heads or tails), we can simulate the results.


    From: Statistics for Hackers by Jake VanderPlas

    Instead of calculating the probability behind a sampling distribution,
    we simply simulate the sampling distribution of say a coin flipping
    using a for-loop.  We count the number of occurrences something happens
    and can check the probability that it occurs.

    Sample Problem: You toss a coin 30 times and you see 22 heads.  Is the
    coin fair?  Assuming that the coin is not fair, we test the Null Hypothesis
    We reject the fair coin hypothesis at p < 0.05

import numpy

if __name__ == '__main__':
    M = 0
    for i in xrange(10000):  # do 10,000 trials
        trials = numpy.random.randint(2, size=30)  # each trial, flip 30 times
        if (trials.sum() >= 22):
            M += 1
    p = M/10000.0

    print 'Probability is: {0:.5f}'.format(p)  #p=0.00830, reject fair coin hypothesis