William Liu

Virtual Reality


These are my notes from the Virtual Reality Nanodegree course on Udacity. What creates immersion in VR?


Let’s look at the hardware:


VR lenses are specially curved and placed (near-eyed display helps magnify the images)


Behind the lenses are the OLED displays

###Positional Tracking

Positional Tracking is how the computer knows where you are.

##Mobile vs Desktop VR

Degrees of Freedom is the difference between Mobile (3-DOF) and Desktop (6-DOF) tracking.

###IMUs with 3-DOF

Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) is a tiny sensor that is really good at detecting rotations, combining together:

Combines data and uses gravity + earth’s magnetic field to detect direction its facing. Tells you 3-DOF

###Tracking with 6-DOF

There’s a lot of different ways to track with 6-DOF.

####Oculus Rift’s Constellation

####Vive’s Lighthouse

##VR Development Platforms

You can create code directly or use a game engine platform.

#Creating Scenes

We learn that a scene of an apartment is made up of objects, animations, cameras and lights.



Everything in VR is made of points and those points are connected together using triangles. Triangles joined together form meshes, which is the underlying foundation for your scenes. Triangles are used for 3d objects based on their speed, simplicity, and also on convention.


Cubes, cones, planes are called primitives. Simple models can be created under ‘GameObjects’ > ‘3D Object’ > e.g. Cube, Sphere, Capsule, Cylinder, Plane, Quad If you want a complex model (e.g. a rat, a person, a tree), then you need a program like Blender or Maya


Materials describe the surface appearance of a 3D object. Without Materials, we can’t even see our objects.

The ‘Albedo’ parameter is the color when light gets reflected; for now think of it as the material’s main color.


Textures are images that get stretched around meshes.


You want a good balance between frame rate and realism; use diffuse for faster frames, PBR for realism.


You can transform primitives by position, scale, and rotation. Transforms can be nested, think like a robot arm with multiple joints (Unity calculates using matricies) These transforms use a left handed co-ordinate system, meaning with your left hand, point up with your index finger and 90 degrees point right with your thumb.

Transforms are accessible in Unity in a ‘Transform’ window.


Open up ‘Window’ > ‘Animation’ to see the tab for creating Animations. Just add a property (e.g. Rotation).


Keyframes are points in your animation.

We don’t have to animate every keyframe because we have interpolation, smoothing, and averaging. This means we can specify the first and last keyframe, then pick an Animation Curve.


Unity has an Animator system that allows you to specify states through a Macanim State Machine (e.g. player is alive, resting, dead)


Every scene needs at least a main camera.


There are two ways for cameras to capture a 3D space and represent it onto a 2D screen. Unity uses two types of depths: Perspective and Orthographic.

For VR, we want to use Perspective.

###Field of View

The Field of View is what your camera can capture; this is normally dependent on your VR headseat. Depending on what you can view, we’re interested in only rendering what we can see (for efficency) with Clipping Planes that specify rendering anything from Near to Far With Clipping, it helps with optimization using a technique called Frustrum Culling

###Camera for VR

The neat thing about VR is that we’re using two cameras, one for each eye. We measure the distance between the two lenses on our VR system (e.g. Cardboard, Vive); usually done through API VR allows you to track your head rotation; we do this with scripts

###Scripting Basics

MonoDevelop is the default program for scripts Scripts by default are in C# By default there are two methods: Start (initialization) and Update (called every frame) A Quaternion is the name for stored gyro data Google SDKs use more than just camera distance from each eye, it also uses the Gyro, Compass, and Accelerometer to combine this data into a sensor fusion; i.e. use the API for head tracking


There are four types of lights in Unity:

###Generic Light Properties

Generic light properties include:


We can ‘cheat’ by rendering static light sources ahead of type using baking, a way to compute advanced lighting effects like indirect light bounces and realistic shadows. Remember that Unity requires a light to be static in order to use baking; this is just a property. You can have items be static for different things (lights, navigation, etc) Click ‘Bake’ and it’ll build (takes a few minutes)

###Light Panel

Access Lighting through ‘Window’ > ‘Lighting’. You can then filter by Objects, Scene, and Lightmaps

###Global Illumination (GI)

Global Illumination is a system for how lights bounce off of surfaces onto other surfaces (indirect light) instead of just the light hitting a surface directly from a light source (direct light).


You can change a few settings that can have a large impact on performance:


Programming in Unity is done through C# or a variation of JavaScript.


Scripts describe behaviors that get attached to game objects. For example, a behavior might be:

##Start and Update

Scripts have built in methods for handling calls at certain keyframes:


An example call with Time.deltaTime to make an object fall at 2.5 meters per second looks like this:

void Update() {
    transform.Translate(0, -2.5f * Time.deltaTime, 0, Space.World);

What’s going on is that Update() is called every frame, but different hardware runs at different frames per second (e.g. 60, 90, 120).

We need Time.deltaTime to smooth out the animation so the animation can be framerate-independent (and change every frame, independent of hardware).

##Unity Documentation

Unity organizes the documentation into two sections, Manual and the [Scripting](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/).

###Scripting API

The scripting API uses C# and the game engine is divided into namespaces (a way to group classes togethers). Other namespaces outside of Unity are .NET’s System namespace, used in commands like System.Console.WriteLine("Hello World"); to call a class Console. The Unity API breaks down into:

####Unity Engine

Namespaces in the Unity Engine include things like:

You can click on the question mark icon in Unity to directly jump to the documentation. Make use of Search on the docs.

##Creating Objects

Instantiating is when we create a new instance of an object. One way to tell what object to create is by starting an empty script, then drag and drop to the editor. You can then control an object by reference.

Code example to make an object appear at specific coordinates (Vector3) with no rotation (the Quaternion part):

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ObjectMaker : MonoBehaviour {
    public GameObject objectToCreate;

    void Start() {
        // Make an object
        Object.Instantiate(objectToCreate, new Vector3(2, 4, 6), Quaternion.identity);
        // Do a lot of stuff
        for (int i =0; i < 50; i++) {
            GameObject newSeagull = (GameObject)Object.Instantiate(objectToCreate, new Vector3(i, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity);
            Renderer objectRenderer = newSeagull.GetComponentInChildren<Renderer> ();
            objectRenderer.material.color = Color.white * Random.value; 

More links:


Prefabs allow you to store a GameObject and all of its components and settings as a file on your hard drive. Prefabs allow easy reuse. Prefabs appear as a blue cube.

##VR Interaction

In ‘Hierarchy’, right click for ‘UI’, then click ‘Text’.

###Event System

In ‘Hierarchy’, right click for ‘UI’, then click ‘Event System’. Sometimes this is created when you add UI components.

###Methods and Debug Logs

You can create a script and define Methods that are called from Event Triggers.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ChangeScene : MonoBehaviour {
    public void GoToScene() {
        Debug.Log ("Method was called");        

###Change Scenes

In Build Settings, you can add in multiple scenes (first one is loaded by default).

Sample Code:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class ChangeScene : MonoBehaviour {
    public void GoToScene(string sceneName) {
        SceneManager.LoadScene (sceneName);

###Programming Animations

####LERP and SLERP

LERP stands for Linear interpolation. SLERP stands for spherical linear interpolation.

SLERP calls require a rotation (Quaternions) and Time. An example would be rotating the sun over time.

public GameObject directionalLight;

void Update() {
    Quaternion startRotation = Quaternion.Euler(50f, 30f, 0f);
    Quaternion endRotation = startRotation * Quaternion.Euler (0f, 180f, 0f);

####Custom Events with Code

Some custom code for events in C#.

public class RotateLight : MonoBehaviour {

    public.GameObject directionalLight;

    float startTime = 0f;
    bool isPressed = false;

    void Start() {
        GvrViewer.Instance.OnTrigger += ActivateRotation;

    void Update() {
        Quaternion startRotation = Quaternion.Euler(50f, 30f, 0f);
        Quaternion endRotation = startRotation * Quaternion.Euler (0f, 180f, 0f);
        if (isPressed == true) {
            directionalLight.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp (startRotation, endRotation, startTime / 10f);
            startTime += Time.deltaTime;

public void ActivateRotation() {
    isPressed = true;

###Physics and Audio


Any time we want an object to interact with physics, we need a Collider, which comes in one of these main types:


A Rigidbody is a component that enables a GameObject to interface with the Unity physics simulation. This gives you control over:

An example would be a ball that has a rigidbody automatically have physics applied to it (e.g. drop from the air, hits the ground)


You can use Raycasting to see what an object is looking at. For VR, this is useful to see what a user is directly looking towards.


Create an Audio Source component. Some effects include:

For VR, this is important to get the user’s attention (e.g. to make them turn around).

###Advanced Scripting

We’ll work with other people’s code. Udacity provides:

###VR Design

How to design for VR, whether its GUI, the UX, modifying for movement sickness, audio considerations, and documentation.

####Good design

Looking at Udacity’s VR experience:

####Design Process

Go through many iterations. Will let us make design decisions based off actual information.

####Set the Scene

####User Interfaces

You want to Sketch all of your designs up ahead before taking it digitally.

To setup a user interface in Unity:


Simulator Sickness varies across people, usually developers build up tolerance. A few ways to avoid it is:

A few movement systems include:

Download a library called iTween to use for movement.


We’ll use GVR, which has Spatial Audio built into its SDK. This means that sounds will get quieter as you move further away, louder closer you get.