William Liu

Kaggle’s Click-Through Rate Prediction


Back in Feb 2015, I finished my first machine learning competition. The competition was through Kaggle.com and sponsored by Avazu. The goal was to determine the probability of whether someone would click on a mobile ad or not based on 10 days of their data.

I spent about 2 1/2 weeks doing the analysis and it was an incredible learning experience. Mostly picking the right library, putting in a decent amount of time and effort, and tuning some parameters will get you in the top third. The top ranked people put in exponentially more effort, so much that I doubt the $15k prize is financially worth it (especially when split among a team), but really people do these competitions more for just the knowledge.

About the data

The dataset was split into a training file (a little over 6 GB) and testing file (700 MB) sets. Some of the field descriptions were openly shared (e.g. date), but most of it was anonymized and hashed (e.g. ‘C19’ with a value of ‘dfhlsa8z’). The goal was to guess the probability of whether an interaction was a click (1) or non-click (0). Say there was an interaction ID of ‘10000554139829200000’, we could guess the probability (e.g. 0.218537). The data looked like this:

id    click   hour    C1  banner_pos  site_id site_domain site_category   app_id  app_domain  app_category    device_id   device_ip   device_model    device_type device_conn_type    C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21
1.00001E+18 0   14102100    1005    0   1fbe01fe    f3845767    28905ebd    ecad2386    7801e8d9    07d7df22    a99f214a    ddd2926e    44956a24    1   2   15706   320 50  1722    0   35  -1  79

My approach

I started by exploring the data in an ipython notebook and loading the data into a pandas dataframe. I looked at basic stats (describe, info) that gave me back quartiles, medians, and sums across all columns. Since most of the data was anonymized, I didn’t have much to refine except for some of the data types and the datetime into specific days and hours groupings (e.g. ‘14091123’ means ‘23:00’ on ‘Sep 11, 2014’ so I extract out the day and hour). I used a correlation matrix to see if there were any obvious relationships between any variables; nope there weren’t.

Using scikit-learn

Since I’m trying to predict a categorical variable (clicked or not), I figured Logistic Regression would be a good first try with some variables that looked promising. The scoring was with a log loss so the smaller the score the better. Here were the fields I picked:

'time_day', 'time_hour', 'banner_pos', 'C18', clf = LogisticRegression()

Logistic Regression did decently (a score of 0.4391227), which I managed to beat the benchmark (.5 possibility for everything). If I stopped here I would have finished 1340th out of 1605 teams.

I then tried an SGD Classifier with a log loss and some slight parameter tuning that did slightly better, netting me a score of (0.4303073). This would have made me jump from 1340 to 1294th place. Hmmm, it’s doing slightly better, but not by much.

After a lot more parameter tuning, careful variable choosing (feature engineering), increasing my training set (by removing holdout), and increasing iterations, I ended up with my best sklearn score of (0.3976942), which would have been 1112th place. I decided to change strategies and learn a new machine learning library.

Using Vowpal Wabbit

The Kaggle forums were really friendly and informative; the community focuses on learning and someone recommended the vowpal wabbit library. I ended up using feature hashing, which is an efficient way of vectorizing features.

Before I explain what feature hashing is, let’s go over term-document matrix; it’s a giant matrix where each feature (i.e. word) is a column and a row consists of either a 1 (word was present) or 0 (word was not present). Say we have the following text:

"Will likes to watch movies with Laura"
"Laura likes dogs"

This might get converted to a matrix like the one below. As you can see, the matrix can get pretty large.

                           Will likes to watch movies with Laura dogs
first_sentence             1    1     1  1     1      1    1     0
second_sentence            0    1     0  0     0      0    1     1

Feature hashing builds on top of the term-document idea by applying a hash function to each word. It then uses the hash values as feature indices and updates the vector. Umm… so what does that mean? The way I understand it is that feature hashing is like a sparse matrix (i.e. doesn’t need to represent the 0 values) and only says where the position of a value that is present.

The feature/word ‘Will’ is hashed to the value of something like ‘180798’. You can check with the tools vw has like vw-varinfo to see the details. Use the command: vw-varinfo mydata.train. We now have index 1 (first_sentence) and a hash of 180798 with one occurrence. Now we have a matrix of: mymatrix(1, 180798)=1

The feature/word ‘likes’ is hashed to the value of something like ‘98383’. We now have index 1 (first_sentence) and index 2 (second_sentence) that has these features. This results in ‘mymatrix(1, 98383)=1’ and ‘mymatrix(2, 98383)=1’. If there’s more frequencies (e.g. first_sentence says ‘likes’ 3 times), we just modify the other side of the equation (=3)

The advantage to feature hashing is this lets us handle large amounts of anonymous features one line at a time (we don’t need to construct the entire matrix). When it gets really really large, there might be hash collisions (two distinct data have the same hash values).

Results of Vowpal Wabbit

Anyways, Vowpal Wabbit gave incredible baseline results (.39723). I used vowpal-wabbit through the command line (even though there was a Python library). The biggest issue was getting the data to vw’s format since it had its own specific formatting (that was slightly different than comma separated value files).

I tried the logistic loss function with variations of the number of passes, holdout, hash size, learning rate, and quadratic and cubic features. I even spinned up an Amazon EC2 server to handle the maximum RAM that vowpal wabbit could handle (-b 32). The EC2 had unexpected results. At first I thought it would be easy to get all my data and code on there, but Kaggle stops you from downloading the data with curl or wget commands. I even tried to fake my cookies by importing them as a text file, but it didn’t work for some reason. Finally I got a ‘text based Linux web browser’ called Lynx that I installed to login to Kaggle, then download the data. I could have transferred the data from my laptop, but that would’ve been really slow and the server was costing me per hour (which ended up being about $15 in charges). Besides the data, Git made getting code easy. Anyways, the hash collisions somehow helped the score so my EC2 server results came out worse.

Final Thoughts

I wish I started the competition sooner, but I’m pretty happy with learning a new library and even some unexpected things (who would’ve thought I’d learn about a text based browser called Lynx?). Maybe next time I’ll enter a competition where I can feature engineer more. The people on the Kaggle forums were really collaborative and friendly, thank you for making machine learning a fun community. My final score was .3926272 (459th place out of 1604 teams). My command line instruction for vowpal wabbit was:

 vw click.train_original_data.vw --loss_function logistic -b 30 --passes=10 -c -k --holdout_off -l .1 -f click.model.vw