William Liu



Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure. Terraform uses configuration files to describe the components of your infrastrucute (e.g. compute instances, storage, networking, DNS entries, SaaS features). Terraform generates an execution plan that describes what it will do to reach the desired state of your infrastructure.

The idea is that Terraform describes your infrastructure as code (using a high-level configuration syntax). This way the blueprint of your datacenter is versioned and is treated like code.


brew tap hashicorp/tap
brew install hashicorp/tap/terraform
terraform -install-autocomplete

Open Source vs Enterprise

Terraform is available as open source and as Enterprise. Enterprise provides advanced collaboration and governance


Comparing Terraform


Infrastructure as Code (IaC):

Execution Plans

Resource Graph

Use Cases

Some example use cases with Terraform include:

Terraform vs Configuration Management Tools

Configuration Management tools install and manage software on a machine that already exists. Examples of configuration managemnt tools include Chef and Puppet. Terraform is not a configuration management tool so you might see it used in conjunction with tools like Chef. Terraform focuses on provisioning while a tool like Chef focuses on setting up a resource once it has been created.

Terraform vs CloudFormation and Heat

There are tools like CloudFormation that allow the details of an infrastructure be described in a configuration file. However, Terraform is cloud-agnostic and allows multiple providers (e.g AWS, Google Cloud) and services to be combined and composed. Other vendors like CloudFormation are vendor-locked and only support one vendor.

Terraform also separates the planning phase from the execution phase by using an execution plan.

Terraform vs Boto and Fog

There are libraries like Boto and Fog that have native access to cloud providers and services by using their APIs. Terraform does not give low-level programmatic access to providers, but instead provides a high level syntax for describing how cloud resources and serviecs should be created, provisioned, and combined.

Terraform Commands


Common commands:

apply: Builds or changes infrastructure
console: Interactive console for Terraform interpolations
destroy: Destroys Terraform-managed infrastructure
fmt: Rewrites configuration files to canonical format
get: Downloads and installs modules for the configuration
graph: Creates a visual graph of Terraform resources
import: Imports existing infrastructure into Terraform
init: Initializes a new or existing Terraform configuration
output: Reads an output from a state file
plan: Generates and shows an execution plan
providers: Prints a tree of the providers used in the configuration
push: Uploads this Terraform module to Terraform Enterprise to run
refresh: Updates local state file against real resources
show: Inspects Terraform state or plan
taint: Manually marks a resource for recreation
untaint: Manually unmarks a resource as tainted
validate: Validates the Terraform files
version: Prints the Terraform version
workspace: Workspace management

Terraform File

Command Line:

mkdir -p terraform/basics
vi main.tf

# Download the latest Ghost image
resource "docker_image" "image_id" {
  name = "ghost:latest"

terraform init  # initializes Terraform, goes and installs the provider we're using (e.g. Docker)
terraform validate  # validate the Terraform file to make sure no errors, no msg is good


Providers are APIs that Terraform uses to interact with.


Example Providers include:

You can see your list of providers in your project with ls .terraform/plugins/linux_amd64/ (e.g. provider.docker)

Docker Provider and Resources

Let us look at a specific provider, the Docker Provider. You can see the list of Resources including:

This can be found in the documentation under providers.


A resource is the most important element in Terraform. Each resource block describes one or more infrastructure object (e.g. virtual network, compute instance, DNS record).

A resource block declares a resource of a given type (e.g. aws_instance) with a given local name. We use this name to refer to this resource from somewhere else in the same Terraform module, but has no significance outside of the scope of a module.

For a resource, you might see examples like the below, where we specify a resource type and a resource name (and the combination of these two parameters has to be unique). Each resource has to be associated with a single resource type. Each resource type belongs to a provider (which is a plugin for Terraform that offers a collection of resource types).

resource "docker_image" "image_id" { ... }
resource "docker_container" "container_id" { ... }

For example:

# Download the latest Ghost image
resource "docker_image" "image_id" {
  name = "ghost:latest"

# Start the Container
resource "docker_container" "container_id" {
  name  = "ghost_blog"
  image = "${docker_image.image_id.latest}"
  ports {
    internal = "2368"
    external = "80"

We can declare resources in .tf.json and .tf formats (e.g. say main.tf). When you run terraform, verify that there are no other *.tf files in your directory because Terraform loads all of them. Also, never hard code in credentials to these files.

So what does this all mean? We have a provider like AWS that then has resources like (aws_vpc)

Null Resources

You can setup a Null Resource in order to perform local commands on our machine without having to deploy extra resources. A null resource is often used with a local-exec provisioner.

Terraform Steps

The steps for terraform are:

Terraform Step Output

The output is similar to git diff, where:

Terraform State Data

Terraform writes data into a terraform.tfstate file. This state file is really important. It keeps track of the IDs of created resources so that Terraform knows what it is managing. This file has to be saved and distributed to anyone who might run Terraform.

See the current state with terraform show or by looking at your terraform.tfstate file. An empty state file might look like:

  "version": 3,
  "terraform_version": "0.11.13",
  "serial": 26,
  "lineage": "99c40ce9d-5f1f-0885-cc8aa8e7da96",
  "modules": [
      "path": [
      "outputs": {},
      "resources": {},
      "depends_on": []

Once you end up running a terraform plan and terraform apply, the resources are done deploying. Your terraform.tfstate file should now be updated to have all of your resources. It might look like:

 "resources": {
    "docker_image.image_id": {
      "type": "docker_image",
      "depends_on": [],
      "primary": {
          "id": "sha256:.....ghost:latest",
          "attributes": {
            "id": "sha256:...ghost:latest",
            "name": "ghost:latest"
        "meta": {},
        "tainted": false
      "deposed": [],
      "provider": "provider.docker"

If the state file is deleted, then Terraform won’t have anything to compare against.

Terraform Destroy

Resources can be destroyed using the terraform destroy command, which is like terraform apply, but behaves as if all of the resources have been removed from the configuration.

Implicit and Explicit Dependencies

Terraform can automatically infer when one resource depends on another. For example, the reference to an aws_instance.example.id creates an implicit dependency on the aws_instance You should use an implicit dependency whenever possible. The depends_on is used when there are dependencies between resources that are NOT visible to Terraform. Resources that do not depend on other resources can be created in parallel with other resources.


Provisioners are only run when a resource is created or destroyed. Provisioners are not a replacement for configuration management and changing the software of an already-running server. Think of them as a way to bootstrap your server on first creation or to do some cleanup task. They might move some certs around or run an actual configuration management tool (e.g. knife <command>) on creation or getting some data before a destroy operation.

Failed Provisioners and Tainted Resources

If a resource successfully creatse but fails during provisioning, Terraform will error and mark the resource as tainted. A tainted resource means it has been created, but might not be safe to use. Terraform will not attempt to restart provisioning on the same resource because it isn’t guaranteed to be safe. Instead, Terraform will remove any tainted resources and create new resources, attempting to provision them again after creation.

local-exec Provisioner

The local-exec provisioner invokes a local executable after a resource is created. This invokes a process on the machine running Terraform, not on the resource. You would use this with a null resource.

resource "null_resource" "null_id" {
  provisioenr "local-exec" {
    command = "echo ${docker_container.container_id.name}:${docker_container.container_id.ip_address} >> container.txt"

remote-exec Provisioner

If you want to run a command on the resource, use the remote-exec provisioner.

Hashicorp Configuration Language


Indent two spaces for each nestling level With multiple arguments, align their equals signs


A variable can be setup with:

variable "image_id" {
  type = string

Or if you want to specify the type and a default value

variable "availability_zone_names" {
  type    = list(string)
  default = ["us-west-1a"]


The keyword default can be used, meaning if no value is set when calling the module, the default argument. The default argument requires a literal value and cannot reference other objects in the configuration.


You can have a type constraint, meaning the value has to be of type:

Accessing Variables

Your configurations can use items prefixed with var to access a variable.

provider "aws" {
  region = var.region

You can also assign variables as command-line flags

terraform apply -var 'region=us-east-2'

If you want a custom variable file, you can call it terraform.tfvars or *.auto.tfvars in the current directory. Terraform will automatically load these files to populate variables. If the file is called something else, you can use the -var-file flag on the command line to specify a file (or multiple files).

Environment Variables In Terraform

Terraform can read Environment Variables in the form of TF_VAR_name to find the value for a variable. For example, TF_VAR_region can be set to the region variable. Or we can run export TF_VAR_env=dev to set the env variable as dev. To unset it, run unset TF_VAR_env


Use environment variable with `export TF_VAR_myvariable=myvalue`
Remove environment variable with `unset TF_VAR_myvariable`


You can define lists like:

# implicitly by using brackets [...]
variable "cidrs" { default = [] }

# explicitly
variable "cidrs" { type = list }

Or you can specify lists in your terraform.tfvars file like:

cidrs = [ "", "" ]


You can use maps to create lookup tables. These are just key/value pairs.

variable "amis" {
  type = "map"
  default = {
    "us-east-1" = "ami-b374d5a5"
    "us-west-2" = "ami-4b32be2b"

You can then use maps like:

resource "aws_instance" "examle" {
  ami = var.amis[var.region]
  instance_type = "t2.micro"

This means that [var.region] references var.amis. You can also use var.amis["us-east-1"] to get back ami-b374d5a5


Say we want to add a variable ‘env’ that can be dev or prod

# variables
variable "env" {
  description = "env: dev or prod"
  default     = "dev"

variable "image_name" {
  type        = "map"
  description = "Image for container"
  default = {
    dev  = "ghost:latest"
    prod = "ghost:alpine"

variable "container_name" {
  type        = "map"
  description = "Name of the container"
  default     = {
    dev  = "blog_dev"
    prod = "blog_prod"

# resources
resource "docker_image" "image_id" {
  name = "${lookup(var.image_name, var.env)}"

So you basically use ${lookup(var.my_variable)} to use the variables You can then run with terraform plan -out=tfdev_plan -var env=dev


Terraforms uses expressions to refer to or compute values within a configuration. This is super important because we need a way to reference other values that we have in a variable file, a data source or a module.

We can have simple expressions like "hello" or 5 or var.my_variable. We can also have complex expressiones such as data exported by resources, conditional evaluation, and built-in functions.

Expressions can reference to named values:

If the resource has the count argument set, the value is a list of objects representing its instances.

More here: https://www.terraform.io/docs/configuration/expressions.html#references-to-named-values

Interpolation Syntax

You can reference variables a variety of ways. For example, on variables:

`${var.foo}` will interpolate the `foo` variable value

Terraform Console

You can run terraform console to help evaluate expressions

$terraform console
> docker_container.container_id.name
> docker_container.container_id.ip_address
> 1 + 5

Ctrl + C will exit out of your console

Local Values

A local value assigns a name to an expression, allowing it to be used multiple times within a module without repeating it. Think of local values as comparable to a traditional programming language as a function’s local temporary symbols. Really, you’ll only be using local values if you’re referencing the same thing over and over.

locals { service_name = “forum” owner = “Community Team” }

locals { instance_ids = concat(aws_instance.blue.id, aws_instance.green..id) }

locals { # Common tags to be assigned to all resources common_tags = { Service = local.service_name Owner = local.owner } }

You can reference local values from elsewhere in the module with an expression like local.common_tags

resource "aws_instance" "example" {
  # ...
  tags = local.common_tags

So why use locals? One neat feature from locals is that if you need to use a data resource, you can use this in locals, but cannot use that in a variable.


You can define an output to show us specific information. Here, we create an output variable ip and the value field specifies what the value will be (usually dynamically generated). For the below example, we’re taking the public_ip attribute of the elastic IP address and saving that to the output variable ip, where it can be used as say input for something else.

output "ip" {
  value = aws_eip.ip.public_ip

You can view outputs with terraform output (and more specifically terraform output ip for specific variables)


Input variables serve as parameters for a Terraform file. A variable block configures a single input variable for a Terraform module. Each block declares a single variable.

variable [NAME] {
  [OPTION] = "[VALUE]"

Within the body block (between the {} is the configuration for the variable, which can accept the following arguments:

You can also apply variables (to override the default) during an apply, like terraform apply -var 'foo-bar'.


#Define variables
variable "container_name" {
  description = "My container name"
  default     = "my blog"

variable "image_name" {
  description = "Image for container"
  default     = "ghost:latest"

# Download the latest Ghost Image
resource "docker_image" "image_id" {
  name = "${var.image_name}"

# Start the Container
resource "docker_container" "container_id" {
  name  = "${var.container_name}"
  image = "${docker_image.image_id.latest}"
  ports {
    internal = "${var.int_port}"
    external = "${var.ext_port}"

# Output the IP Address of the Container
output "IP Address" {
  value       = "${docker_container.container_id.ip_address}"
  description = "The IP for the container"

output "container_name" {
  value       = "${docker_container.container_id.name}"
  description = "The name of the container"

Breaking out Variables and Outputs

You can split out your files so that we have separate outputs and variables

main.tf outputs.tf variables.tf

Terraform Workspaces

Terraform workspaces can help you deploy multiple environments. By using workspaces, we can deploy multiple environments simultaneously without the state files colliding. Commands are:

This is how we can have a dev environment and a production environment at the same time. This changes our state files so that we have:

$ ls

$ terraform workspace new dev
$ terraform workspace new prod

$ ls terraform.tfstate.d
dev  prod

ls terraform.tfstate.d/prod/

ls terraform.tfstate.d/dev/

$ terraform workspace select dev


Modules in Terraform are self-contained packages of Terraform configurations that are managed as a group. Without modules, you need to edit Terraform configurations directly. This works, but has issues with lack of organization, lack of reusability, and difficulties in management for teams.

We already setup a ‘root module’ where we have the following:

$ ls ~/terraform/myterraform/

# root module

$ mkdir -p modules/image && touch main.tf variables.tf outputs.tf
$ mkdir -p modules/container && touch main.tf variables.tf outputs.tf

# image module

# container module

Module Structure

Reusable modules are defined using all of the same configuration language concepts we use in root modules. We have:

Building out a Module

We can create our image module. An example might be:

# main.tf
# Download the Image
resource "docker_image" "image_id" {
  name = "${var.image_name}"

# variables.tf
variable "image_name" {
  description = "Name of the image"

# outputs.tf
output "image_out" {
  value = "${docker_image.image_id.latest}"

We are able to get the output value through interpolation syntax

Run a terraform init, terraform plan, and terraform apply

Note: When you run a terraform plan, sometimes you will see a message like:

Note: Objects have changed outside of Terraform

Terraform detected the following changes made outside of Terraform since the last "terraform apply":

These are just changes that are an FYI (does not affect your current plan).

Using a module

In our ‘root’ module’s main.tf, we can use other modules like so:

# main.tf
module "image" {
  source     = "./image"
  image_name = "${var.image_name}"

# assuming we have a container module
module "container" {
  source   = "./container"
  image    = "${module.image.image_out}"
  container_name = "${var.container_name}"
  int_port = "${var.int_port}"
  ext_port = "${var.ext_port}"

Variables are found through interpolation syntax (e.g. "${var.int_port}" looks for the variable int_port

Calling a Child Module

To call a module means to include the contents of that module into the configuration with specific values for its input variables.

You can specify the source of a module a few different ways. https://www.terraform.io/docs/modules/sources.html

Local Path

module "my-module" {
  source = "../../modules/parent-module"


module = "my-module" {
  source = "github.com/hashicorp/example"

S3 Buckets

module = "my-module" {
  source = "s3::https://s3...../myfile.zip"

When to use a module

Over-using modules can make your overall Terraform configuration harder to understand and maintain. A good module should raise the level of abstraction by describing a new concept in your architecture that is constructed from resource types offered by providers

It is not recommended to write a module that is just a thin wrapper around a single other resource type. If you have trouble finding a name for your module that isn’t the same as the main resource type inside it, that may be a sign that your module is not creating any abstraction and so the module is adding unnecessary complexity. If that is the case, then use the resource type directly in the calling module instead.

Terraform Registry

The Terraform Registry has a directory of ready-to-use modules.

Terraform Commands

Tainting Resources

taint manually marks a resource for recreation.

terraform taint [RESOURCE_NAME]
e.g. terraform taint docker_container.container_id
terraform plan  # see what will be changed

Untainting Resources

untaint manually unmarks a resource as tainted.

terraform untaint [RESOURCE_NAME]
e.g. terraform untaint docker_container.container_id
terraform plan  # see what will be changed

Data Source

A data source is accessed via a special resource known as a data resource using a data block.

data "aws_ami" "web" {
  most_recent = true

  owners = ["self"]
  tags = {
    Name   = "app-server"
    Tested = "true"

  filter {
    name   = "tag:Component"
    values = ["web"]

So how do you reference this?

Follow the format of data.<resource_name>.<alias>, (e.g. data.aws_ami.web.id)


resource "aws_instance" "web" {
  ami           = data.aws_ami.web.id
  instance_type = "t1.micro"

www.terraform.io/docs/configuration/data-sources.html `

Depending on the resource, you can have different arguments

Data Source (and Providers) vs Resource

A data source allows data to be fetched or computed for use elsewhere in a Terraform configuration. Use of data sources allow a Terraform configuration to build on information defined outside of Terraform, or defined by another separate Terraform configuration. Data sources are read-only views into pre-existing data or they compute new values on the fly within Terraform itself.

A provider is responsible for defining and implementing data sources.

A resource causes Terraform to create and manage a new infrastructure component. Resources can be things like a a low level component (e.g. physical server, a virtual machine, or a container) or a higher level component (e.g. email provider, DNS record, database provider)

Terraform Remote State

In order to manage your infrastructure, Terraform needs to store state. When run locally, we store state in a file called terraform.tfstate and this state is used to map your real world infrastructure to your configuration. This local state file is referenced when creating a plan, then once your plan is applied and the real world infrastructure is actually updated, terraform also updates your state file. Prior to any operations, Terraform does a refresh to update the state with the real infrastructure (through terraform refresh command)

The issue with a local state file is that in a team environment, you might have multiple people editing the file. The solution is that we can store this state file remotely in a place like S3 in a bucket.

# export your aws access key, aws secret access key, aws default region

# terraform.tf
terraform {
  backend "s3" {
    key = "terraform/terraform.tfstate"

terraform init --backend-config "bucket=[BUCKET_NAME]"  # initializes the S3 backend
terraform validate

AWS Terraform Example

If we wanted to setup an example AWS infrastructure with Terraform, we would have the following pieces:




Turn on debug when you need to do troubleshooting:

TF_LOG=DEBUG terraform <command>


If you have existing infrastructure, use the import command (e.g. run with terraform import to add infra to Terraform’s state file).

if-else statement

You can’t really do an if-statement directly; instead you have to work around it.

Booleans can be used in a Terraform tenerary operation to create an if-else statement like:


If you have multiple if-else statements, consider using the above to assign variables if a statement is true, then do a coaelsce to get the first value that is not empty.

Terraform Best Practices


Real Life Scenarios

Error Acquiring the State Lock

When: There’s a lock, e.g. your CI is running terraform plan and so are you manually.

│ Error: Error acquiring the state lock
│ Error message: ConditionalCheckFailedException: The conditional request failed
│ Lock Info:
│   ID:        89e18eba-e0b1-4f2d-6452-xxxxxxxx
│   Path:      mylocation/terraform-states/my-file-staging.json
│   Operation: OperationTypeApply
│   Who:       william.liu
│   Version:   1.0.0
│   Created:   2022-08-10 18:25:00.05326249 +0000 UTC
│   Info:

Solution: terraform force-unlock 89e18eba-e0b1-4f2d-6452-xxxxxxxx to remove the lock. Double check the Who is what you’re expecting.

What’s going on with my state

When: What’s going on with my state? Solution: terraform state list


Look more closely with:

terraform state show <item>
terraform refresh

# Get the state again in case it is out of sync
terraform state rm $THE_MODULE_NAME_FROM_OUTPUT

Terraform Target

When: I don’t want to run my whole plan Solution: Target resources:

terraform plan -target="<resource_1>" -target="<resource_2>" -out=plan

terraform apply -target=<resource_1>
e.g. terraform apply -target=aws_iam_role.my_role

# Destroy a single object (with target)
terraform destroy --target=module.docker-app.module.docker-app.module.ec2-instance.aws_instance.instance[0]

Terraform Taint

When: Something looks wrong with an object, let’s rebuild it Solution: Recreate with taint; Note: watch the plan carefully (e.g. if a destroy and create or an update, etc)

terraform init
terraform taint --module=docker-app.docker-worker.ec2-instance aws_instance.instance
terraform plan -target module.docker-app.module.docker-worker.module.ec2-instance.aws_instance.instance -module-depth=1 -out=plan
terraform apply "plan"

terraform untaint <resource> # if you want to untaint it

Terraform fmt

When: Validation errors Solution: terraform fmt myfile.tf your files

Terraform init fails

When: terraform init fails Solution: terraform init -reconfigure

Initializing the backend...
│ Error: Backend configuration changed
│ A change in the backend configuration has been detected, which may require migrating existing state.
│ If you wish to attempt automatic migration of the state, use "terraform init -migrate-state".
│ If you wish to store the current configuration with no changes to the state, use "terraform init -reconfigure".

Best Practices

Google Best Practices for Terraform