William Liu

Situational Leadership

Skills Worksheet

  1. Goal Setting
  2. Diagnosing
  3. Matching

1. Goal Setting w/ STRAM

Goal Setting Exercise

Draft Goal:

Specific: Motivating: Attainable: Relevant: Trackable:

Obstacles: e.g. what resources you need Solutions:

Final Goal:

2. Diagnosing

Development Level is a combination of two factors:

Don’t confuse commitment with competence



Development Levels

Development level is goal or task specific.

Developing D1 Low Competence High Commitment D2 Low to Some Competence Low Commitment D3 Moderate to High Competence Variable Commitment D4 High Competence High Commitment Developed

D1 - Enthusiastic Beginner

You have the energy, but don’t know where to focus that energy.



D2 - Disillusioned Learner

Could use more direction on the how as well as encouragement.



D3 - Capable, but Cautious, Contributor

Pull back on showing the person how and let them do it



D4 - Self-Reliant Achiever



Leadership Style

Flexibility - the ability to use a variety of leadership styles, comfortably

S1 - Directing (for D1)

S2 - Coaching (for D2)

S3 - Supporting (for D3)

S4 - Delegating (for D4)

Directive Leadership Behaviors

  1. Setting SMART goals
  2. Showing and telling how
  3. Establishing timelines
  4. Identifying priorities
  5. Clarifying roles
  6. Developing action plans
  7. Monitoring and track performance

Supportive Leadership Behaviors

  1. Listening
  2. Facilitating self-reliant problem solving
  3. Asking for input
  4. Providing rationale
  5. Acknowledging and encouraging
  6. Sharing information about the organization
  7. Sharing information about self